Sunday, March 3, 2013

2 week recap

Oh my...can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks since the last post.  So much for wanting to post every day - I guess life just gets in the way!  This Lent seems lackluster as far as my spiritual goals - I just haven't done the things I set out to do.  Maybe I planned too many things.  I am continuing to read the Lenten reflection book based on Bl. John Paul II's messages, which I started posting on a daily basis, I just haven't continued to post them.  I have not been keeping up with Fr. Pacwa's New Testament Bible Study Guide though, and that is disappointing.  Our new session of Arise continues to go well and it is nice to get to know new people. 

Josh's K12 school schedule has been grueling for him and me.  Math is always an issue and takes up most of our time.  We are both looking forward to freshman year at Marian!!  He got to spend a day shadowing Sarah's friend, Joe, at Marian, and he really enjoyed it.  He says he is ready!

Lyndsay and Grace finished up a lesson on Neptune and Pluto and seemed to really enjoy it.  They had to write a 2-page book on whether they think Pluto should be a planet or not, listing reasons and drawing pictures and they turned out really good.  The lesson ended with a fun experiment...making ice cream!!  It showed them how chemical reactions cause things to happen and can explain some of the amazing things that go on in space.  It was delicious ice cream too!

Meredith has finished her 1st grade math book and has moved on to a 2nd grade enrichment math book.  I am not going to push her into a 2nd grade math curriculum just yet.  I'll let her work on this new book at her own pace hoping to give her confidence that she really knows her stuff!

While learning about Argentina last week, Lyndsay and Grace told me they love homeschooling because they can take the time to color neatly and not feel rushed (they were working on coloring the Argentinian flag). 

Sarah continues to do well at Marian and her social life is becoming busier every weekend it seems.  We are so happy for her and hope that she continues to enjoy herself. 

I haven't even been taking a picture every day which was another goal I really wanted to stick to.  Here in northern Indiana it becomes quite a challenge to find good light indoors and there is really not much worth photographing outdoors.  I can't wait for spring!!  Here are a couple that I did take this past week...

This is one of my grandpa's first Kodak cameras.

Thanks to Rita, she inspired me to go out and buy some pears and make my own still life.  I used her painting textures to do this edit. 
Here's to being back more often....

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