Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Texture Tuesdays, Volume 4

edited with a texture called Sunday morning (I don't remember where I got it from)

I took the younger girls with me to Sarah's orthodontist appointment hoping to get some shopping done afterwards but the appointment was unexpectedly long, and we did get some of the shopping done but then it started snowing pretty hard so we just came home.  

It sounded like much more fun to be at home linking up with Kim.


  1. Love watching the big snow flakes...wonderful photo. I'm with you, rather be inside enjoying the view of the snow through the window...although once in a while I do venture out to play in the snow with the grandbabykins...:)

  2. Stopping by from TT ... this is SO lovely [it even makes me miss snow] !

  3. Oh, big snowflakes are just the best!! They pile up quickly. Hope you had a nice blanket of snow to enjoy.

  4. Big flakes are beautiful....at this moment, we're having a snowstorm of swirling snow that doesn't seem to be in flakes, but is covering everything on every side!


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