Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Texture Tuesday

I downloaded a couple of free textures today from Kim Klassen.  They are really pretty so I decided to follow Kim's lead and start a 'Texture Tuesday' post here.  This is what I came up with using one of the new textures:

Using the 'screen' blend mode makes the images look ethereal...

From my view, it looks as if the print is difficult to read.  Hopefully you can see it better.  

It might be nice to print these and hang them in the bathroom for the kids to see every day :) Thank you for sharing your talent with us, Kim!


  1. You did a beautiful job editing! I'm a homeschooling Mom, too. :)

  2. hello dear Karen....
    thank you for sharing your beautiful art with TT. So pretty....and so happy you choose to 'join us'...

    have a beautiful day.....

    xo, Kim

  3. Yes, "ethereal" is a good word for your texture edits. Lovely! My family lives in Saginaw Michgan. Is that near Crooked Lake? :)

    1. Thank you for commenting! Saginaw is about 3 hrs northeast of Dowagiac. I'm sure you have so many photographic opportunities up there right now. Have a great day :)

  4. Such beautiful photos! I love the softness and that rose takes my breath away. Wonderful quotes, too.

  5. Beautiful! I love the textures. I will have to try the screen blend mode soon.

  6. Well, first off, I love the name of your blog! It perfectly represents the twists and turns of life. Then, the rose is stunning! I can't seem to grow them very well in my yard so I appreciate those who can. Lovely!

    1. How nice of you - thank you! I can't grow roses either so i enjoy them from the florist :)

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