Saturday, April 20, 2013

Week in review

The week started out normally and we were glad to get back to our art class with the E family. :)  Lisa even kept the kids for a couple hours afterwards and I came home to check on Sarah who was not feeling well.  I rarely have the TV on when the kids are around, so I turned on a cooking show and that's when the breaking news hit from Boston.  The feeling I had in my stomach was like the one I had when 9.11.01 was the breaking news...  When the kids got home and learned what happened, I reminded them to look for all the people that were jumping in and helping out instead of running away.  Thanks to some amazing police work, the people of Boston can live a little easier since both suspects have been apprehended as of yesterday (Friday).

The next day I was a chaperon for the Marian biology class' field trip to Brookfield Zoo in Chicago.  We were a caravan of four Cardinal buses (thank God they weren't school buses!)  It turned out to be a beautiful day with temperatures in the 50's and sunny with little wind.  I was in charge of eight students and was really impressed with their behavior.  You never know what to expect from teens!  :D  The rest of the clan spent the day at Grandma & Grandpa B's and enjoyed themselves. 

The rest of the week I'd rather not write about.  It was rough from a parenting and homeschooling perspective.  Those are the few days of the year (thankfully) that I just want to throw in the towel and let someone else do it.  It feels as though my effectiveness in teaching is completely absent, or that the kids don't care about any of it.  Maybe a combination of both...maybe it's spring fever.  Except for Wednesday evening; I went to Teresa's house, and we enjoyed some wine and good conversation which always involves a lot of laughing. 

I'm enjoying a quiet Saturday afternoon as Eric took the kids out and about for awhile.  It's very cold out (in the low 40's), but I did get outside to get some pictures of the forsythia. 

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