The snow fairy came last night and Sarah had a 2-hr delay this morning. That's one negative of homeschooling - those delays don't always apply. It just depends what the reason is! We got through a lot today. Meredith finished her 1st grade math book, Lyndsay & Grace finished up their unit on Venezuela. I think they enjoyed learning about all the interesting animals the most. Or maybe it was the diet of the tribes that live in the Amazon. (Those were just the highlights - we really accomplished more than that!)
Josh is slowly but surely getting caught up although math is always going to be a challenge. He saw a tutor yesterday, Michael, Teresa & Gene's nephew. He is such a nice kid, and I think he really helped so we might be seeing a lot of him!
Here's my picture of the day:
(After) Edited with the Downtown action and the matte color action from the coffee shop blog.
I'm trying to learn how to do a mouseover effect, so that's why this post is jumpy! Chalk it up to being an amateur!
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